This endpoint returns all geographies from Passport for which your subscription has access to statistics. Geographies can be countries, regions, or cities. Like categories, our geographies are structured in a hierarchical tree, and the hierarchy data is returned by this endpoint.

Supported verbs GET
Required headers Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key, Accept, Authorization
Supported formats JSON, XML, CSV

A sample request might look like this:

		GET HTTP/1.1
		Authorization: Bearer <tokenstring>
		Accept: application/json; api-version=1.0
		Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 173bad6f0b319h23add9ad162493915e              

A successful response body will have the following structure in JSON format:

				"id": 0,
				"name": "string",
				"parentId": 0,
				"parentName": "string",
				"isoAlpha2Code": "string"

It is an array of Geography objects, each with the following members:

id The ID of the geography
name The name of the geography
parentId The ID of the parent geography. This member references the "id" member of a different record. For root nodes, this member will have a value of null
parentName The name associated with the parent geography. For root nodes, this member will have a value of null
isoAlpha2Code For records representing countries, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country. For other geography objects, this value will be null.
Note that, besides the isoAlpha2Code, the country data is all Passport-specific and therefore subject to change.

For example, the following tree structure:

		Western Europe
		  └ Belgium
			└ Liège

Will be returned as:

Western Europe
  └ Belgium
      └ Liège

Will be returned as:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "World",
        "parentId": null,
        "parentName": null,
        "isoAlpha2Code": null
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Western Europe",
        "parentId": null,
        "parentName": null,
        "isoAlpha2Code": null
        "id": 21,
        "name": "Belgium",
        "parentId": 2,
        "parentName": "Western Europe",
        "isoAlpha2Code": "BE"
        "id": 211,
        "name": "Liège",
        "parentId": 21,
        "parentName": "Belgium",
        "isoAlpha2Code": null
Note the root node with null parents, the relationships between parents and children, and the missing ISO codes from regions and cities.